What's wrong? Nothing.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Monday, April 29, 2024
R-E-G-R-E-T-S, find out what it means to me......
R-E-G-R-E-T-S, a little regrets, just a little bit...just a little bit...
And then there was "If I could turn back time." (A. Cher still looks damn good, me thinks she did turn back time... and B. Would then, her life not be as Sonny?)
A quick, Google of songs about regrets... "Are you lonesome tonight?" by The King..
"Cats in the cradle"
"Hurt" Nine Inch Nails (That would hurt!). .but, fav verson of this is Johnny's, I think maybe his last song he did.. not 100% sure..
The site I found had 21 songs... the above.. and then there were a couple by Travis Kelce's girlfriend, Weezer, Kendrick Lamar, OutKast, Aesop Rock, etc, yada, and I have no regrets in never having heard them.
"I made decisions I regret, and I took them as learning experiences. I am human, not perfect, like anyone else." Queen Latifah.
You tell 'em Queenie, I'll pat ma' foot!
I think we all have some things we'd change, yeah? One'a my favorite sayings, "It is what it is". Or, as one Carole King sang "But it's too late baby, now it's too late." Wonder why she/that wasn't in the top 21.
This is where I'm going to , bore you. Sorry.
I would.............if I could go back..... and, insteada being so dang anxious to get dinner down the gourd, head out on the highway (ie, to front yard to play with cousins), I wish I would asked my grandparents a kajillion questions about their lives. What The Depression was like.... how was life before indoor plumbing?.. Who were your heroes? What was it like when you were a little girl, boy? What were YOUR parents like?
Journal. I guess in some respects, this stupid blog IS a journal, but, I wish I woulda kept a daily journal on life in general. Not that there would be great interest after I'm outta here, and, I wouldn't be upset if it ended up in the dumpster when that time comes with all my baseball cards, thrift store clothes (ha), and federal tax returns from I dont know whyinthehell I've saved 'em so many years.
I would journal FOR ME, my benefit. Would something like that (YOU doing a journal, have interested you?).. I'd LOVE reading a journal from my folks, grandparents, even from my kid, grandkids.
In a sense, my grandmother kinda did.. and sorry if I've shared this before.. In her Bible, she would periodically record stuff... "12 inches of snow, February such-n-such, 1943." "Grandson such-n-such, first steps, such-n-such a date." Graduations, births, visits there, visitors here, World events, presidential quotes, such-n-such.. Such-n-such interests me. "Grandchild #5, dialed his phone number at age 3." <- true. Ha. 24 year old grandkids couldn't do that nowadays!
I think a journal would be cool. David, like when you started your present business. Terry, the first year in India.... Susan... to reread how pretty a view you had in Colorado... Jim.. a replay (or an article) of "The Shot" from high school, maybe a few snippets of each and every one of your siblings... Pie... maybe some logs with little league memories?
Pup, howabout quotes, maybe of guidance, from your folks, grandparents that you've carried with you through the years.. maybe even handed down to your children... or, reread notes from each and every career/life move you made - at least first impressions.. rekindling your memories of the cities.. jobs..
Coach Rich.. your FAVORITE Victory.. I bet too, since I did a tad of coaching, you have your favorite memories of kiddos... maybe not even your best player(s), but, such a good, fun person they meant the world to you, your team. Bear, mems of your grandparents, folks, growing up in the Ville.. WJC football mems...
Liz, what it was like to be the only girl with Mr. Tom and Mr. Pierce... what it's like living in the house you grew up in, now!
Phyllis.. maybe fond memorites of working in the Hospital... a tale of your trek from Liberty to ? to Washington.. then, across Washington...
If you've read this blog before and your name ain't above, apologies. I LOVE everyone, and of course, those that occasionally allow me in their day.
Oft times... age catches up with me. Even regular ole regular conversations with friends. It always impresses me when, in conversation, a friend remembers something about me from a previous conversation. I remember much, but not necessariy for long, and not necessariily "who said it."
Have you ever visited with a friend, asked them a question and they reply with "Remember? We talked about this...." and ya feel goofy? Dang I sure have.
A daily journal would end foggy mems.. or, at least douse 'em. Would you like to go back and read about you and folks in your life? I sure would.
And............ who knows... maybe some relative down the line would as well. Imagine finding a journal from a great-grandparent.
Maybe I'm off base, I dunno. HEY, off base reminds me.. band camp.. playing first base.. hidden ball trick.. it worked once! Caught 'em off base! Had I journaled, I'd remember whointheheck "em" was!
You can't go back, no, you can't. At my age, maybe yours too, I don't gtive much of a rats what people think of my ideas, thoughts. I will never regret going back, remembering. It adds to my piggy bank of happiness. It, somehow, keeps those gone, still here.
"I don't regret what I've been through. I've had ups and downs, super highs and really low, lows. It's part of who I am. There's nothing in life that's so ugh." Jennifer Lopez
Time marches on. Memories, eyesight, hearing fades. Just a thought.
Happy enda April, beginning of May. Who knows, if you write down what you're doing today, in 50 years a great great grandkid might enjoy reading.
Love, Victurd
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Plagiarism makes me smile. Sorry, not really.
Friday, April 26, 2024
A little diddy.. about Jack and Diane... and/or Sally... Sue... Clarice..
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Happy whatever ya like......
Truly, I'm appreciative of ANY eyeballs here.
What makes the World go round..........
Better yet, whatever makes the World go round.
Difference in a World of harmony, or something like that.
“You say tomato (toMAYto) I say tomato (toMAHto)." You live in Texas, Cali, Colorado, Mexico, Washington, Kansas, etc.... I live in Misery, er, I mean Missouri.
We jump on the highway, me with my size 11's pressing the pedal, you with your sandals, crocs, high heels, bare feet.... we drive SUV's, clunkers, American made, "Honda, always", RV's, pickemup trucks, Harleys, Victory's, yada.
I get up early, am a night owl, think sleep is overrated, take 3 naps a day.
I've broken bones, plates, cups, hearts, wind.
I (you and me and a dog named boo) am overweight, skinny, just right, worry about it, don't care.
My (just you and I's) life has been affected by addiction, affliction, cancer, infertility, Crohn's, anxiety, depression, loss of loved ones, Alzheimers, mental illness, divorce, estrangement, ASD, PTSD, COPD, PAD, SIDS, UTI, arteriosclerosis, psoriasis, tuberculosis, halitosis and persistent itchy itchy rashes.
We're alike in that we're only children, from a family of ten kids, the youngest of two, we went to parochial, public, private and home schools.
We all see the world through amber, blue, brown, gray, Hazel, red eyes. I'm 20-20. 20-200. I am nearsighted, farsighted, have age related macula degeneration, glaucoma.
I only haves eyes for you, I like to flirt but remain loyal, yes, there was infidelity, open relationships, switched teams, like both.
I eat anything, meat and potatoes, fish - yuck, salmon is my favorite, pass the BBQ sauce, vegan, fast every 3rd day, am vegetarian but I'll cook my mate hamburgers.
I worry, am laid back, play ain't it awful. I don't repeat gossip so listen close the first time.
I talk too much, speak only when spoken to, listen more - talk less, love to sing, can't carry a tune, won a spelling bee, couldn't spell Cat even if you spotted me CA.
My home is messy, immaculate, ranch style, two story, in an apartment complex, on 5 acres, my castle.
I love my back deck, porch swing, den, craft room, she shed, mancave, I hate bats.
I played High School football, the sax, the field, all night long.
We are just alike, complete opposites, will always be BFFs, have never met - but friends here.
The glass is half full, the bastard leaks, half empty, fill 'er up Ethel.
I have everything I need, am needy, give, take, like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain.
I much prefer the West Coast, East Coast, Sea of Cortez Coast, sleds over coasters. The Midwest farmer's daughter really makes me feel alright.
I am Conservative, Liberal, somewhere in the middle, I am religious, agnostic, an atheist, give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar. I get acne when I eat chocolate, I have a peanut allergy, pass the cashews Mabel.
Point is, we are alike, in that we need each other. Salt, Pepper. Fork, spoon. Man, woman. Family, in-law.
Yesterday's blog was admittedly pretty goofy. Friend Larry suggested mebbe decaf coffee. An old girlfriend, she usedta go to Hy-Vee. Right there in fronta her we're 20 containers of coffee beans, all different kinds, flavors. Ya stuck your bag under, pulled the arm of the corresponding coffee of preference. She took some of each and every kind in her bag.
I very much enjoyed her coffee.
The old Catholic grade school just up the road from me ain't been that for a long time, sat empty. A few years back, cars started pulling in, no sign. Then, more and more cars. Finally one day, a sign. "Quilting Therapy." I likes that.
Things made of many parts, woven, strong.
Why can't we be fiends, why can't we be friends..... Are.
By Henry and Henrietra Gibson.
Love Victurd
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Hi, my name is Uni-oops.......
And that's pernounced "eww-knee-oops. Friends though call me Moe, and I/we are from the Planet Mogo.
Our spacecraft just landed in the middle of someplace called Kansas... ain't much to look at here, but, that's ok, our leader Hugo designated me, Moe, of Mogo... Hugo say "Moe, you go. Go study, learn all about this thing they call Sports."
So, we landed. Damn near hit onea them huge Mercedes Benz fans they got there in Kansas... and sure, I said "Hi. I'm Moe, from Mogo, here on behalf of Hugo, he say go-go, study sports. Take me to your leader."
They (folks with funny looking cartoon animals on their shirts) drove us back East a little bit, some town named Larryville I think it was... took us to this dude's office, somethingorother Self... "Here, he's our leader." He asked us, "Hey, wanna see our trophies?" Ahm, no. "Howabout our banners?" Ahhh, no thanks, we're here to learn about sports. This Self guy took us into an old building, it had to be nearly 70 years old... said "Hey, look up.. see them jerseys on the rafters? There's Wilt, Clyde, Jo Jo, Danny, we even got Lynette's up there." Interesting, but, are there any other leaders you can think of we could meet?
Mr. Self used his phone to holler at Tab with a Cab, but he was busy, so, he got us Goober, he's a driver for Uber. He pulled up, said "Hi, I'm Goober from Uber, hop in." We all piled in with Goober from Uber... he drove us to some lady's house in Florida... Knocked on a door.. Are you the leader? "Hi, my name is Nelly, and, I guess so.. I've won five golf tournaments in a row, I'm only the third to do that in History." Yeah? The hell is golf? "Come, I'll show you."
This lady Korda, first, I might add, she's a sight pertier than that Self fella... seems kind, humble too after winnin' five in a row. She took us to this REALLY lush place, had small, circular 'sandy beaches', some small lakes, finely cropped things she called 'fairways', and, then, this deeper stuff on the edges she called 'rough'. Back home, we call it "Ernie, mow your damn yard wouldya?"
This Korda lady demonstrated 'golf' for us. She took this long thing, looked like it had halfa axe blade on the bottom, she swiped it in a big ole circle... smacked this little bitty ball... went so fer, we couldn't see it.. but followed her as she walked. "My goal is to hit it into that hole on the green." We learned they have golf for men too, so we asked, do the fellas then hit, aim for the hole in the yellows? Ahm, no, they play greens too.
We decided to stay and watch some people play golf in order to allow us to let Hugo of Mogo know all about the sport. In a few short minutes, we learned cussing is allowed (and common)... you don't jump in the lake to fetch your ball, there are birdies - which, confused us as all we saw was some pelicans over by the lake, had nuttin to do with their golf. They had irons and woods, again, we're headscratchin, cause the woods were made outta iron too.
Ms. Korda you're been really kind... can you point us too another leader? "Sure." Up pulled a bus. Uh huh, you guessed it, driver's name Gus. We drove West, across some mountains, they call the Ozarks (much pertier than them Flint Hill things we originally landed in)... Got to this huge ole house, there was a golf hole in back, and also, what we learned was half'a football field. Fancy.
Knocked on the door. "Hi, I'm Patrick. Welcome to Mahome," and he kinda giggled this froggy laugh. "This is Brittany, and over here is Sterling, and that's Bronze." We were kinda amazed with all them gem names, Britanny wasn't named Gold cause she's perty just like Ms. Korda.
"We're gonna learn all about football." Patrick brought out this damn funny shaped thing HE called a ball. He threw a few in the back yard to some guy named Jackson... this is all very confusing.. he lives in a house with Gems.. takes this thing called a FOOTball, throws it (and we don't know how he did it 'cause he's got three HUGE gems on his hand), and the damn thing never touched his foot. Why FOOTball? In that kinda Kermit voice he again giggled, said, "Oh, that's something ButtKicker will have to show you." We didn't come with no weapons to protect ourselves, so, rather than get our butts kicked, we asked Patrick "Any other leaders?"
He had this thing in his ear (Patrick) no idea what it was, then, he said (to no one we could see) "Alexa, call a limo." Before we knew it, up pulls the limo (we meet the driver Jimbo).. There was only 5 of us, but Jimbo's got seats for 27. We figured maybe Patrick used the limo for totin' his football teams.
Jimbo announced I'm taking you to meet The Goat. Well, they call him The Goat, but he ain't really The Goat... The Goat is a fellow named Michael, but I'm taking you West to meet Lebron. We learned he plays basketball.
We drove back across Kansas... we'd seen a tad of 'basketball' there.. trying to figure out how to tell Hugo about it though.. they tried putting this big old ball in the basket, but, it never did stay cause it had a hole in the bottom. Korda's ball stayed in that hole, but none them basketballs stayed in the basket. We didn't worry about it much, cause we were too busy worrying about howinthehell Wilt, Clyde, Jo Jo, Danny, Lynette got dressed when their tops were clean up there on the rafters?
We fell asleep in the limo driving across Kansas. Musta been the sound of the fans... or all that damn hypnotic wheat, dunno. Long drive to LA but we made it.
Hi, I'm Lebron, welcome. Nice enough dude, dayum tall too. We wanted to make him feel good though, so we started with "Hey, just so you know, don't ever feel ba-ba-ba-bad about people calling you The Goat, cause Jimbo in the Limo told us the real Goat is some guy named Michael." Lebron turned his head kinda funny... but then said Ok, hey, lets go to the Crypto. We done paid Jimbo the Limo guy, but, got out our phones to pay this Crytpo thing. Lebron said It's cool, Crypto is where we play, hop in my Hummer. We did. It was electric, we never did hear humming. Confusing damn place, America.
Lebron, on the way to Crypto, said I actually love being called The Goat.. you see, I've scored more than ANYONE, EVER. Again, we scratched out heads..cause when this journey started way back in Kansas, onea the guys with the funny looking cartoon bird on his shirt had told us "Oh, btw, you'll see pictures of Wilt and he's scored more than anyone known to man." They'd giggled, but we didn't get it.
More tall dudes at the Crypto. We'd really already seen basketball...so Lebron had onea them ear things, called and got us a van. Uh huh, driver Stan.
Stan seemed nice enough. Another long, long trip. After a long, long nap, we all woke up at the same time, saw a sign "Lake of Three Fires".. .it was GORGEOUS.. we asked Stan, "Is this Heaven?" No, it's Iowa.
Stan took us to a cornfield. This is baseball Uni-oops. They call it Field of Dreams. We unnerstood, hell, it's a long drive from anywhere, anyone would fall asleep, have dreams getting there. We walked out on what they called the diamond. No one there. Allofasudden, some dude walks outta the rows of corn and says Hi, I'm Yogi. Yogi Bear? (Laughter) No, Yogi Berra, welcome. S'more dudes in pinstripes came out, started playing catch like Mahomes, but, the ball was smaller, round, and they didn't have no rings on their hand, only a glove looking thing on one hand.
Yogi, said lovingly, talked kinda funny. As we watched, he said You can observe a lot just by watching. We'd heard about Yankee Stadium, had wondered why Stan didn't take us there. Yogi said Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded. Strange. There weren't many seat to watch the game on this field. The future ain't what it usedta be Yogi said.
Yog' gave us a crash course in pitching, catching, bunting, baserunning, game strategy, lots, then he said Baseball is 90 percent mental and the other half is physical. The time had come - we were ready to go back to Mogo with our report for Hugo.
Stan was waiting in the parking lot for us. Yogi walked us to the van.. thanked us, we said our goodbyes... then Yogi told Stan when you're driving back to the spaceship in them Flint Hills and you come to the fork in the road, take it." Stan said thanks, we got in the van, he winked at us, said Don't worry, we've got GPS.
We was gonna compile some notes to share all we'd learned from them guys in coats with a funny looking cartoon bird on front, Mr. Self, Goober, Ms. Korda, Gus, Mahomes and them gems, Jimbo, Lebron the Goat, Stan, Yogi... but some blog writer named Victurd assured us there's no one still here reading, "they're all asleep" or, Googling "Take me to something funny, QUICK"... so, we might later.
Later, Uni-oops (aka Moe from Mogo.)
Love, Victurd
Monday, April 22, 2024
Paint splatters.....
And when she found out she couldn't fly
It was too late."
“There once was a little boy who had a very bad temper. His father decided to hand him a bag of nails and said that every time the boy lost his temper, he had to hammer a nail into the fence.
On the first day, the boy hammered 37 nails into that fence.
The boy gradually began to control his temper over the next few weeks, and the number of nails he was hammering into the fence slowly decreased. He discovered it was easier to control his temper than to hammer those nails into the fence.
Finally, the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father the news and the father suggested that the boy should now pull out a nail every day he kept his temper under control.
The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence.
‘You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there.’”
This blog ain't (necessarily) about anger. The lesson the boy learned was a good one. It's moreso about things you can't undo. Old Blue Eyes, in his song "My Way" sang "Regrets, I've had a few."
It is with virtually 100% certainty I think I can write we all have BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.
Ya get in situations where winning, "getting my way", he's wrong, she's wrong, patooey... it makes ya ache... mental ache, to me, is the worst kinda ache. It's like that feeling you get right before regurgitation, but, you walk around with that feeling all day, all night, all week..
You can go over acrylic paint. You can erase a #2 lead. (Who uses them nowadays?) Dry erase boards are wunnerful. Then there is indelible ink. Magic markers that can't be magically undone.
About all one can do is "And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us."
Time. Wait it out until that urge hits one can safely devour a big, juicy cheeseburger. Able to go have fun, laugh with friends, suckup good, life.
Shit happens. It is what it is. There will always be marks in the fence.
Hopefully we all, emphasis on all (and I don't write that with "I win" intent, truly).. hopfullly we all stop carpentering nails one day.
Love, Victurd
Sunday, April 21, 2024
When I grow up I wanna be......
What was your dream? Did you follow it? Achieve it? Decide, "nope, that ain't what I wanna do."?
Kids today. Friend Google relates, "Dream Job" (in percent):
I hate when adults act all grown-up... but... I'd advise kids (VICTOR, noboby askedya).. I'd advise kids.. Find a niche. Something you love doing. One can never be sure, but, explore the company, industry fully. Today, you may be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound - but one day (hopefully) you'll be old.. SAVE. See if the company helps in that matter. Learn any, everything about Health Insurance, including the fact Medicare don't start until you're 65. Save fast, no touchy, GET OUT FAST, if you can (and of course, want to).
Inotherwords.... Do as I say, not as I done did.
Victor? Do you hereby swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Of course. The truth is, I don't think I wanna grow up. There's no stopping our bodies, and yes, aware, ugly can happen to our brains - but... I simply want to (Still) see the World thru the eyes of a child. Children have fun. They don't hate, discriminate. They hug, laugh, help. Sure, occasional tears - I find emote to be a very darn good thing (within reason).
I'll get of your hair (if you have any left). We've got spirit, yes we do.. we've got spirit, howabout you? Did you achieve what you wanted to be? Have fun? What was important to YOU in your chosen field, career?
"Most people don't grow up. It's too damn difficult. What happens is most people get older. That's the truth of it. They honor their credit cards, they find parking spaces, they marry, they have the nerve to have children, but they don't grow up." Maya Angelou
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Tots or fries?
Friday, April 19, 2024
Upon further review................... I question that.....
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Like a red rubber ball.....
Everywhere ya turn, circle. Hand me that binky, wouldya mom? It's hot out, bootscoot, please, to WallyWorld, buy me one'a them round, $12.99 'wim pools wouldya?
Dodgeball. You there in the middle of the circle. We're coming to getya. Who ain'? Who ain't took onea them red rubber balls upside the face, and proudly shone that red pattern on the cheek until the school busses pulled out for the day?
Sitting Indian style in a circle. Sounds easy don't it. Imagine today. OK, you folks over there in the West Wing of the Assisted Living facility, come on over here and let's all sit, Indian style, in a big ole circle. Uh huh, right. Time that happens you've already missed lunch, afternoon snack and it's bedtime. I ain't sat Indian style since onea them Bush's was in office, maybe even before that.
I was gonna do a blog about Baseball Ray, but, it's been pointed out, not everyone enjoys sports like me. Or, as my ex pointed out (VICTOR! DO NOT DISS ON YOUR EX).. ahm, she pointed out "Victor, not everyone gets as excited about your ideas as you do."
The point was. Baseball. It's round. It's hard. Baseball teaches. Teaches about....... lots. Being a team member. Observing, seeing, there are varying skill levels within every given situation. Seeing how the leader, usually onea the dads, handles that, or not. Seeing how the kids, handle that or not.
You can learn all about ridicule, and how ugly it is. Clique circles within, yuck. Sometimes, bullying happens amongst teammates, and bravo to the leaders within who put that fire out. There's the bigheaded dudes. The really good ones who letya know it. Patooey. Again, bravo to the leaders within for putting them in their place.
However.......... much good can happen. Work. Hard work. Repetition. Goals. Attainment, sometimes. Courage. Striving to hear an atta boy, admiring a teammates skill, play, then passing out an atta boy. Victor, enough about baseball. Yes, you're correct, I'll stop. One last diddy. Baseball teaches you when to stop. Everyone, reaches that point at some point.
Balls. All kinds. We done talked playground ball, baseball. Add ping pong balls, golf, basketball, softball, soccer, pool balls.. hockey pucks are round... then, all kindsa gobbledy goop:
Bagels, Bangles, Bottle caps, CD's, clocks, donuts, globes, limes, oranges, onions, onion rings, pizza, pupils (the eye kind), TP, the moon, the sun, the earth.
"The whole universe is based in rhythms. Everything happens in circles, in spirals." John Hartford.
Wedding rings. Wow, now that's a circle. Ogle. Flirt. Smooch. Wanna? Coins, lotta coins for heap big wedding.. 2,497 wedding pics.. having my baby, what a lovely way... diapers, soft food, first chomp out of a banana.. PTA, Driver's Ed, oh mercy, graduation, empty nest. What? You're back? Honey? I'm preggo. NO! Not... again? Annuder circle.. care for elderly parents.. work, toil, jumping thru hoops, I wanna be 65.. 65 happens. Oh shit, I can't sit Indian Style.
Ya done steered a lotta miles with that round wheel. Bought a lotta tires. Noticed, round potholes, bumps in the road, no matta' what ya drive. 'Gone around and around' a time or twenty in life with a family member, coworker, fellow student, teammate, mate, Republican (OK damnit, Dems too)..
Trips around the Sun. Blocked ever so intermittently by the round moon.
Ya got me going in circles.
Somea my favorite circles. Fire pit, friends circled. Family meals around the table, yum. Grandparents, parents, siblings, mates, kids, grandkids. Yum.
All life teaches with 'been there, done that' circles.
There is really NO figuring out life. They say, "well, he/she has been around the block." Last time I checked, blocks were square.
Young folks walking round with their heads in the sky
The cities ablaze in the summer time
Shooting rockets to the moon, kids growing up too soon
Politicians say more taxes will solve everything
Where the world's headed, nobody knows
Just a ball of confusion
Oh yeah, that's what the world is today
Woo, hey
Unemployment rising fast, the Beatles new record's a gas
Mod clothes in demand, population out of hand, too many bills
Hippies moving to the hills, people all over the world are shouting, end the war
Sayin' ball of confusion
That's what the world is today, hey, hey
Sayin', ball of confusion
That's what the world is today, hey, hey
Let me hear ya, let me hear ya, let me hear ya, let me hear ya, let me hear ya
Ball of confusion
"IT'S ALIVE!"...
The weather outside... ain't delightful, but we're getting there. If it were a car, we just crossed over into Oklahoma, bound for Te...
As an escape, my excuse anyways, I'll go to my local watering hole, sit at the bar, slosh a beer down, meet people... has very little t...
It ain't me babe, Cher (and me) said today. Them Dave Clark guys, five of em I believe, hollered "I'm in pieces, bits and pie...
(I'm late for work, if there are typos, I so solly!) Just yesterday mornin', they let me know you were gone Suzanne, the plans they ...